Product Code : 028-210
Product Description :
Packaging: 6 kg parcel: 3 kg x 2 pcs foil
Usage: 1 kg Cakexpress Brownie Cake Powder Mix, 250 gr of water, 250 gr of butter or margarine (oil may also be used if a softer consistency is desired) may be used. ), 200 gr Walnut (optional). Cakexpress Cake Powder Mix is poured to a mixing bowl. Then water at room temperature and melted butter is added to the bowl. Mixed manually or by mixer at low speed until the mix is rendered homogeneous. The mixture prepared is spread along a wide tray in the thickness of 1,5 /2 cm. If addition of walnuts is desired, the walnuts pieces of desired sizes are added after the preparation of the cake dough. They must be baked for 18-20 minutes at 180 degrees.